Contract considerations
Dear Readers, Small business owners typically wear multiple hats and often times represent themselves when entering into a contract. One...
Drinking and driving is very serious
For many people, drinking alcohol daily or almost daily is normal. It is something almost cultural, because in many towns that is the...
Community Health Promoters
When you see a Community Health Promoter from El Centro Inc. in action, don’t hesitate to approach her to talk about your health needs,...
Ground turkey with eggplant
Ingredients: • 1 pound ground turkey meat $2.70 • 1 large eggplant $0.90 • ½ cup of peas $0.25 • ½ cup of carrots $0.25 • ½ cup of...
Dog treats made with love job-training program
An Olathe storefront sells handmade dog treats and toys produced by participants in a relatively new job-training program for teens and...
Caravan of fear
If you have been listening to the news lately, you might have heard about the Caravan of immigrants coming to the U.S., and President...
What to expect at your “Meeting of Creditors”
About 30-40 days after your bankruptcy petition is filed, you must attend a meeting with the bankruptcy trustee assigned to your case....
Educate your children
One of the things that characterize an educated person is respect. Those who are educated are not aggressive or violent, they are...
Magic recipe
Most people ask us for a diet that they can follow step by step, as if it were a recipe of exact ingredients that had to be mixed to give...
Chicken salad
Ingredients: • 1 whole chicken breast $2.50 • 2 carrots $0.25 • 2 potatoes $0.50 • 1 stalk of celery $0.25 • 3 broccolis $0.50 • 3 cuffs...