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Ground turkey with eggplant


• 1 pound ground turkey meat $2.70

• 1 large eggplant $0.90

• ½ cup of peas $0.25

• ½ cup of carrots $0.25

• ½ cup of potatoes $0.25

• 2 tomatoes $0.25

• ½ onion $0.25

• 1 clove of garlic $0.10

• 2 bay leaves $0.05


-In a pan, sauté and cook the ground meat with salt and pepper.

-Chop the potatoes and carrots.

-Peel and finely chop the eggplant, and add it to the meat along with the potatoes, carrots and peas.

-Liquefy the tomato with onion and garlic, and add it to the meat, along with the bay leaves.

-Let it simmer for a few more minutes.

This dish is served hot.

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