Community Health Promoters
When you see a Community Health Promoter from El Centro Inc. in action, don’t hesitate to approach her to talk about your health needs, because she will help you connect with the service you are looking for. The Promoters program is creating a “Preventive Health Culture” in Kansas City that focuses on reducing the negative health determinants that disproportionately affect the Latino community.
The Community Health Promoters use a culturally relevant curriculum called “Buying Tasty and Healthy,” which helps us teach Latino/Hispanic people and families to eat healthier with a low budget, as well as adapt recipes to be healthier. In addition, purchasing exercises are carried out in local grocery stores and farmers’ markets, and people are encouraged to increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables, while reducing their consumption of sugary drinks and processed foods.
In this way, during a health talk given by a Promoter, families will become aware and learn strategies to buy smarter and healthier, and how to prepare these foods at home so that the family consumes homemade food more times a week and saves money. In addition, they will receive recommendations of physical activity that will take them away from cardiovascular diseases and the consumption of products that affect our health.
You can contact a Community Health Promoters, at El Centro Inc., at 913-677-0100.
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