You can optimize your life
A daily “normal” life consists of working to earn money and living our life resolving and overcoming problems. But, why does it seem like...
Let's learn
"Learning is the action of acquiring and retaining knowledge, skill or information about a subject that modifies our behavior." When we...
The pleasure of spending
Finally, the season of buying school supplies is over and Halloween is already at the door, then the end of the year. From now on there...
Autumn is beginning
Tomorrow, September 21, officially begins the fall; (The astronomical start varies two or three days depending on the autumn equinox...
Happy Anniversary
When we say that a company turns 3 years old, they seem little, but for us it has been 156 weeks in which we have worked very hard to get...
A bilingual country
Many of the first Latino immigrants to this country made the big mistake of forcing their children to speak only in English; with the...
Wolves in sheep's clothing
"Anyone who drives slower than me, is useless, a turtle. Anyone who drives faster than me is crazy, unconscious." - The majority of...
Child sexual abuse
All of the abuses that we commit as human beings are bad, but when these hurt defenseless, unaware, or innocent people, this turns them...
Do you know how to speak?
Most children begin to babble at four months old, they can say about 20 words at a year and a half, and at two they know about 50 words,...
Back to School
This week it’s back to school in all of the Kansas districts. For the majority of students, it’s a cause for excitement and joy. Although...