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Let's learn

"Learning is the action of acquiring and retaining knowledge, skill or information about a subject that modifies our behavior."

When we read books, newspapers or magazines and, even more, when we watch video on television or online, we learn new things.

But in the case of health or risks that we take by doing (or not doing) certain things, we are very reluctant to accept the facts.

When a person gets sick or suffers an accident, we always think "that will not happen to me." It must be a close friend or relative to whom something bad happens so that we give importance to the fact.

Smoking, alcoholism, the use of drugs and diabetes, among many others, are topics that we constantly hear about, but we pay little or no attention to the recommendation. We always find some justification for not changing: "I don’t have time to exercise;" "That's how I've always eaten and I'm fine;" "If I want, I'll leave it;" "My body is different," etc., etc., etc.

When we do something risky that endangers our integrity (health or well-being?) or that of our loved ones, the excuses don’t change much: "I have more ability;" "I've always done that;" "I have everything calculated;” "He was foolish,” etc.

The truth is that the saying that "Nobody learns in the head of others" is always valid because only the experiences that we live in our own flesh are those that make us change. And this also applies to what is good. If we listen to the experiences of people who get up very early every day to work more; get a part-time job to help in difficult times; eat healthily; or those who are always active to take care of their health, we consider them to be "weird" people, and we do not need to do that.

We can learn from all the experiences that happen to other people, all we have to do is really put ourselves in their shoes to have better perspective and decide to make a drastic change and not the "small changes" that often do not help us.

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