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Back to School

This week it’s back to school in all of the Kansas districts. For the majority of students, it’s a cause for excitement and joy. Although the holidays are over, going back to school implies also meeting up with classmates again, school activities, and moving forward academically.

It is, in this sense, where parents have to work with children, making them see that each year that they attend school and pass a year is another achievement that will remain forever; and not only that, we must insist and convince our children that they have to go to university and finish a degree. For many young people it’s comfier to stop going to school and start working; that makes them stop the school routine, the duties, the exams, the hours, etc. And for some parents it’s also comfier, since they stop spending on supplies, uniforms, transport, etc. and they no longer have to keep pressuring the children to get good grades and take advantage of their being in school.

This is a mistake since those who decide not to go to school usually end up finding work, buying a car and they have money in their pocket, but this often causes them to accelerate their life, get married, have children and enter the working life too young; meanwhile those who decide to go to university have a great time where they develop their abilities that they will then use to easily surpass the ones who decided to no longer study.

It’s proven that those who attend university earn more money, are more creative and innovative, have better self-esteem and confidence in themselves, since the constant interaction with professors, peers and companies helps them develop better interpersonal and communication skills.

Besides, given the advances in technology, every day it’s harder to adapt to the best jobs without previous knowledge, which only education provides.

It’s clear that those who obtain university degrees receive the better deal and gain more recognition, but it’s not only that, it’s a source of pride and personal satisfaction that lasts a lifetime.

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