Do you know how to speak?
Most children begin to babble at four months old, they can say about 20 words at a year and a half, and at two they know about 50 words, enough to start forming sentences.
On the other hand, it is estimated that some 7,000 languages are spoken in the world.
And, according to a study by American scientist Louann Brizendine, women say about 20,000 words a day, and men about 7,000.
Language is one of the things that distinguishes us from other animals; and yet, sometimes it seems that we don’t know how to speak.
Starting in our own home, if something that a family member says or does, bothers us or we don’t totally agree, many times we remain silent.
If at the corner from our house there is a traffic light that doesn’t work properly or we have a good idea so that there would be a better traffic circulation, we don’t say it.
If at work we know that something is wrong, or that it could be improved, we prefer not to say anything, because this is not our role.
If our rulers are not acting well or are doing wrong things, we don’t say anything either.
It is not about fighting and replicating everything, but surely many mistakes could be avoided and many things could be improved if we knew how to speak.
How many times have we heard this?: “Why didn’t you tell me?”, “Why didn’t you say it before?”, “If you knew, why didn’t you speak out?”, “You better not say anything, it’s too late.”
And how many times do we regret saying ‘I should have told you before’?
Most of us have a big mouth to say things that we shouldn’t, or to get into what is not our business; and instead, we shut up about the things that we should say because of cowardice, false prudence or unconsciousness of the evil we are doing.
Let’s talk! If we do it calmly, with a desire to help, without offending or criticizing and using the best possible words and trying to find the best moment, all our interpersonal relationships will surely improve. Don’t wait to say it, if it’s for the best ... SPEAK OUT!