To live happily
What is the main objective in life? Without falling into many philosophical questions, what we all want is to live in peace and be happy....
Facing death to find life
An elderly man came to see me after the recent death of his spouse. In his tears, he explained how he came home one evening and found his...
Can you live like a Billionaire?
Dave Ramsey, a financial guru, says there are two kinds of people who buy brand new cars. Millionaires and people who are not...
National Donor Day
Share love, share life Valentine’s Day, the holiday that celebrates love has a dual designation nowadays. Since 1998, Feb. 14 has been...
Little weekly changes
Let’s start the weeks with a New Year’s Resolution to change our habits, since perhaps we have some that are not very healthy. For...
The experience of regrets
Do you ever wish you could go back and turn the hands of time? You know...Get a do-over? Have you wondered what would life would be like...
Work-Life Balance
Dear Readers, In celebration of Women’s Entrepreneurship Day later this month, Lead Bank’s Chief Marketing Officer, Melissa Beltrame, had...
You can optimize your life
A daily “normal” life consists of working to earn money and living our life resolving and overcoming problems. But, why does it seem like...
Life is a journey that is meant to be
In my last column, “Recognizing Resistance” found in the March 22, 2018 edition of this paper, I explain how our negative thoughts create...
Vivir con fe
Terminó la Cuaresma, época en que muchos católicos hacemos promesas de no hacer cosas que nos gustan o limitarnos en lo que nos produce...