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Shrimp meatballs with vegetables


• 2 pounds of peeled and clean white shrimp (store the husks for use in the broth)

• 1 egg

• ¼ cup of bread crumbs

• 2 chopped carrots

• 1 chopped potato

• 1 zucchini

• 1 chayote squash

• 3 guajillo peppers

• 3 tree peppers

• 4 tomatoes

• ½ onion

• cilantro

• 1 sprig of celery

• 2 bay leaves

• pepper, salt and garlic salt to taste

• 1/8 tbsp. of oregano

• 2 finely chopped garlic gloves


For the broth:

-Clean the shrimp, remove the head and shell and devein. Keep the shells to use them.

-In a large pot, boil about 3 liters of water with onion, celery, bay leaf, salt, pepper, oregano and shrimp shells until the broth is made.

-Strain the broth (this will prevent you from using artificial seasonings).

-Boil the peppers and tomatoes with just enough water, until they are soft.

-Blend with garlic and onion.

-Strain and add to the broth.

For the meatballs:

- Finely chop the shrimp until a paste is formed (you can liquefy it or pass it in a food processor) to leave the ground meat.

- Drain the meat in a sieve for several minutes.

-Add egg and breadcrumbs, garlic salt, pepper and chopped cilantro and mix well.

-Form the balls.

-Add them to the broth, with the vegetables.

-Let them simmer until they are cooked.

This dish is served hot.

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