Grated carrot and cheese pancakes
• 4 carrots
• 1 cup of mozzarella cheese
• 4 eggs
• 6 green tomatillos
• 1 sprig of cilantro
• 2 peppers
• ½ onion
• 2 cloves of garlic
• ¼ cup of cream
-Prepare your tomatillo stew. Tomatillos can be roasted or boiled, then blend them with cilantro to give it a better flavor, add 1 cup of natural water.
-Wash the carrots thoroughly and chopped them finely.
-In a large bowl, beat the eggs and add the grated carrot, cheese, salt and pepper.
-In a hot pan, put a large spoonful of the mixture to make the pancakes.
-Put the carrot pancakes in the stew.
-Serve them with enough broth, so that they are not dry, and add on top a spoonful of cream.