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Chicken in poblano cream


• 2 Poblano peppers $0.50 • 1 chicken breast $2.00 • 2 corn in the cob $0.50 • 1 cup of mushrooms $0.25 • parsley $0.25 • 1 can of half cream $1.25 • salt and pepper to taste


-Toast the pepper in a pan or in the oven, remove the skin and veins.

-Liquefy poblano pepper with parsley, half cream and salt.

-Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and cook with garlic and salt.

-Sauté garlic, onion and cilantro with a little bit of oil.

-Add corn and mushrooms and let them cook.

-Incorporate the chicken and the Poblano pepper cream and let boil for 10 minutes.

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