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“First world” politics

For those of us who come from “poor or developing” countries, seeing the political campaigns in this country, make us realize that they’re exactly the same as in our hometowns. Disqualifications, insults, accusations, exaggerations, half-truths. And worldwide, what politicians (and their parties) are looking for is to win—no matter how—in order to gain or remain in power.

Power is a transforming experience for many people. As we say colloquially “they get seasick when stepping on a brick.” For example, it just takes that someone with enough power 'transfers that control' to someone else, so he/she can command others, or forbid them to pass; immediately emerges the demon within. He/she will do the incredible to comply with the entrusted.

That’s why things happen in politics as they do, those who have the power don’t want to release it, and those who don’t have it, seek to have it at all costs.

But that’s the first part when having it, they often fall into another human failure ... the reprisals. The whole series of accusations and insults that they said one another... will be paid. The problem is that this has no benefit to society, to whom the least concerned are those personal grudges.

We have seen countless times how politicians or parties with power block or condition laws or initiatives that benefit the community, only as revenge to some “punch” given by his political adversary.

This is a reality throughout the world that has been seen since immemorial times... and yet, mankind is and will continue to advance.

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