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Don’t get too comfy this hot season!

We all know summer is right around the corner, with that comes family gatherings, parties, BBQs and over all just being outside and enjoying the sunshine.

Summer can make it harder for one to stick to a healthy diet and especially a strict budget.

There are people that enjoy hosting all the parties and many times those are the ones that end up spending outside of their budget more often. Then after the party they are breaking their back to pay their pending expenses.

Then there are other people that enjoy all gatherings because of all the free food.

We are all guilty of this. The problem is that for the most part the food at all the summer gatherings aren’t always the healthiest. This can leave us a bit unhealthy after the months of summer. Okay so enough about all the bad stuff summer can bring.

On the bright side this summer El Centro will be hosting weekly clinics to educate the public on healthy eating, and how to set up a functioning budget for yourself and your family. To avoid those temptations we talked about, join us at El Centro Inc.

This is an advice from the Community Health Promoters at El Centro Inc., if you would like to participate in our talks, please contact us at 913-677-0100.

We invite you to participate in our talks and find our recommendations on Facebook.

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