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And the food marathon continues!

We already know that the celebrations and excuses to eat never end. So let’s prepare ourselves to share with family the famous tamales —this Feb. 2, Day of “the Candelaria”— that come after the Kings’ Bread.

Remember that tamales don’t come alone, because most of the time we accompany them with ‘atole’ or ‘champurrado’ (corn drinks).

Eating is not the bad thing, the bad thing is to eat in excessive quantities and to make unwise combinations such as dough (of the tamale) plus dough (in the atole). And what is worse: some people from certain areas of Mexico tend to eat the tamale in a ‘bolillo’ (white bread); that is, a tamale sandwich.

Then, to that large amount of dough that comes from tamale and atole, we add flour that comes from white bread, this is equal to total excess of carbohydrates in the body.

This simple sum of ingredients is based on a piece, and the bad thing is that when we celebrate we are not satisfied with eating only one tamale or a cup of atole, at least we take two on that occasion; and sometimes people repeat the amount twice a day.

This is when consumption becomes an excess and affects our health.

Let's not leave our traditions aside, just be careful how we use them.

This is a recommendation from the Community Health Promoters at El Centro Inc. 913-677-0100.

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