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Peace at Christmas and Happy New Year!

Next Tuesday is Christmas, by far the greatest celebration of humanity.

It is the day to celebrate with the family, to exchange gifts, to forget old quarrels; but above all, to have peace, love and joy.

In 2mas2KC we have the philosophy of being optimistic, we strive all year to present positive articles, anecdotes and stories that encourage and keep high spirits. We know that in our city, and in the world, bad things happen, but we are convinced that the good ones overcome the bad ones and they are the ones that we present to you.

We respect all our readers, and we are openly a publication that believe in God and this is demonstrated every week by our collaborators César Lozano and Mother Owl, as well as in many of our articles.

This season we invite you to remember that Christmas is many good things, but above all, it is a religious celebration, in which we celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, who with his works and his words left a mark that has lasted for 2018 years and achieved billions of followers around the world.

We hope that you have a good time at Christmas and in 2019 you have peace, joy and with the help of God, achieve all your purposes.

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