Don’t be a contagious source
Continuing the theme of recommendations for caring and handling foods, we were very struck by someone who was sick with a cold and felt very tired because of the pains that the illness creates.
This person didn’t have the option of resting because they had to cook for their family, so we asked if she didn’t have someone who could help her cook. She said no.
We asked again, don’t you have the option that your oldest child can help you prepare some sandwiches or perhaps a roasted chicken? She said yes, but that wasn’t necessary because she was used to continuing their daily routine, even when she was sick because it was just a cold.
So we commented that indeed people don’t give colds the attention they deserve; or infecting others, given that if they cook for their children without the proper hygiene, surely they will get them sick along with their coworkers and perhaps her children will infect their classmates.
That’s why we give you some recommendations to avoid infecting others.
Washing your hands perfectly as many times as necessary after cleaning your nose and touching or covering your mouth; sometimes it’s good to use a mouth cover and disposable gloves when you touch foods; cleaning the common areas with disinfecting towels that have chlorine, and very importantly, not sharing foods or drinks with anyone in order to avoid spreading the virus.
Let’s try to be conscious about not being part of the contagion. Community Health Promoters at El Centro, Inc., 913-677-0100