Permanent changes in your lifestyle
How good it feels when you see that your goals are met little by little! One person told us recently that she has been living with the healthy lifestyle she had proposed for almost 6 months, because she had had a pregnancy with gestational diabetes and didn’t want that disease for her life. So she got her act together to make changes little by little and she has achieved it.
It isn’t about being on a diet for a while and then you achieve your goal, whether it be to lose weight, level the sugar in your blood, lower your triglycerides or normalize your blood pressure. It is about making changes in your lifestyle so that they are permanent and not just for a season. That way nothing will be a struggle because it will already be part of your routine and the things you like.
For example, when a person says that she has stopped drinking sodas for a week, because she wants to lose a few pounds so that she could fit on her dress for the next party, maybe she will achieve it and put on the dress she likes so much; but surely the day of the party, she will return to her habits of drinking sodas because she successfully achieved her goal.
It would be different if from an objective of conscience, the same woman thought about stopping taking sodas because she understood that by doing so, the excessive consumption of sugary drinks that can cause a disease will decrease.
This is a recommendation from the Community Health Promoters at El Center Inc. 913-677-0100, 650 Minnesota Ave. Kansas City KS 66101.