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Do you know how to read food labels?

What information do you look for when you read them? Do you understand them?

Reading food labels is a challenge, because we all believe that we know how to read them; but in reality most of us learn to read only what interests us, without realizing that we don’t see what is truly more important. For example, vitamins and minerals that the food contains.

Often times, if we read the small print of the label, we will realize that we can’t identified or pronounce more than half of the ingredients; because they are terms that we don’t know what they mean and still ... we buy the product!

It is important to read the labels, but it is more important that we learn to identify the nutritional value of each food. That is to say, which vitamins and minerals we can obtain from each one and thus it will be easier for us to identify if what we are going to buy contains the vitamins and nutrients that we are looking for.

When we go to the doctor and he/she tell us that we have low vitamin D, the first thing we do is assume that we must acquire it through a pill; and we don’t worry about increasing the consumption of foods such as salmon, tuna, sardines, cream, cheese, yogurt, yellow fruits, egg yolks and mushrooms.

Therefore, it is important to learn what fresh food provides to our body. If you are interested in learning, contact us.

Community Health Promoters at El Centro Inc., 650 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, KS. 66101; or 500 E. Sta. Fe Ave., Olathe, Kan. 913-677-0100.

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