After a couple of weeks since the children returned to school, surely you have already well organized the time and routine of each day, although it may not be so easy to achieve daily.
Maybe you don’t know, but the coordination of all those little details for your child to be on time, before they close the school door, is called planning and not everyone has that ability.
If you are one of those who don’t have it, don’t worry, it’s never too late to learn it; but it is important that you do so, since in each area of your life you should plan ahead to avoid wasting time and even money.
For example, if you use that ability to plan what you will feed your children each week, you can save money and time; since you will make only one visit to the supermarket to buy everything you need to prepare the healthy dishes of that week. That way, you will not spend on unnecessary things, given that many times when we go to the store for one thing that we need, we end up leaving with 5 more that we fancied.
In addition to avoiding unnecessary expenses, the most important thing is that you will offer your loved ones food that will nourish and benefit their body.
Come to our meetings and make your planning skills your best tools.
This is a tip from the Community Health Promoters at El Centro Inc. If you are interested in more information, please contact us at 913-677-0100 or visit us at 650 Minnesota Ave. Kansas City Kansas.