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Running or walking

Running is one of the best exercises to keep our body active and our mind relaxed. But realistically, not all people are capable of doing it because they need physical condition to achieve it, constant training and proper tennis shoes to avoid hurting themselves.

Even so, you can stay active if you only walk every day at an appropriate time; protecting yourself from the sun's rays to take care of your skin; and also not using the climate as an excuse for not fulfilling your plan.

Like any goal, the beginning is always difficult, but if you manage to be constant and walk 15 min. every day at the same time, little by little it will become routine; and later you can increase the time to 30 minutes. When that happens, your body may voluntarily ask for the daily walk. Remember to stay hydrated and wear comfortable tennis shoes and clothing to avoid getting hurt or hurting your feet.

If you are a person with diabetes, pay close attention to the type of shoes you will use for walking and never walk around without appropriate socks or stockings that protect you from any seam that may scratch you.

This is a tip from the Community Health Promoters at El Centro Inc. We want to invite you to listen to our health life recommendations to prevent diseases.

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