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Change of habits

When a person decides to make changes in his/her habits to seek health, it is because he/she has already been told that he/she lost it. Unfortunately, we don’t seek to change habits by thinking in advance and planning in order to prevent multiple diseases that are controlled through healthy eating —although we have a constant flow of information in social networks and media related to a healthier lifestyle.

Without a doubt, the consumerist message we receive from the food production industry and the establishments that sell them is stronger.

If we could succeed in becoming aware of the benefits that the planning of healthy habits would leave us in our lives and we would remove the negative thought that it is not worth changing anything because "we are going to die of something," it’s likely that the percentage of sick people would decrease in a surprising way.

Indeed, we are going to die because it is part of our life cycle, but living healthy with a good memory, physically active, without pain and without medication is the best option; but to achieve it, we have to work on it from childhood.

To achieve change, you must first find a personal motivation to help you be strong in the process of reaching your goal and we think the best motivation could be that you deserve to be happy.

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