Luck in life
Luck is one of many events that we experience daily and for which there is no convincing explanation. It’s more than "causality" to which logical, rational or statistical systems don’t respond, it’s simply above human understanding.
Of course, there are supporters and detractors, but the fact is that it is scientifically impossible to prove that someone has good or bad luck or that it doesn’t exist.
In our daily life, we all know people who apparently always do well, always have good luck, and we say that "they are born under a lucky star"; while there are also others who never do well, always have bad luck, “they are born starred."
Regularly the first people are positive, cheerful, active and sure of themselves; while the latter are always in a bad mood, distrustful and negative.
Sometimes something bad leads to something good, like for example, when we have a traffic accident and our car is badly damaged, we think "what a bad luck!"; But sometimes it happens that we receive an extraordinary compensation and we say "what a good luck!".
Another example would be an athlete or professional who prepares very well for an event and at the last minute gets sick or injured and can’t participate; meanwhile someone who did not expect it is called to replace him/her.
It is undeniable that luck accompanies us in everything we do. But we should never act impulsively. If we believe that it is our lucky day we should not risk too much or "bet everything" trusting it; just as we must not paralyze ourselves and not want to leave home because it is a bad day.
When experiencing a stroke of luck, even if it is something small, like finding a coin or a bill, it immediately increases our spirits and sometimes it is enough to "make our day," and certainly on the contrary when we have bad luck in something there is always discouragement.
Here the point is to do everything possible to maximize the good things and minimize the bad, so that the days are always good ... or the best possible.
Remember that good luck is made by effort and perseverance!