We are what we eat
Everything we do in life has a consequence. The results of our actions sometimes bring us positive things and sometimes negative ones.
With our eating habits it is exactly the same, because our body and therefore our health, is the result of what we eat.
Diseases or some ailments do not come by themselves, each one of our eating habits has a lot to do with the elimination of that disease or with the increase of it. A healthy and balanced diet, where most of our foods are natural and fresh, will give us better results than a diet based on junk food.
There are people who have a very fast metabolism that does not allow them to gain weight and they take advantage of that condition to eat everything they want without realizing that what they eat is not precisely what nourishes their body, but what satisfies their whim. Unfortunately, it does not mean that they are healthy, even if those people are not overweight.
Our responsibility is to balance our diet and not abuse fried potatoes and snacks, sweet bread, sugary drinks, sausages, desserts and alcohol, because over time the body will charge us for the excess, as we are letting our excessive appetite and anxiety win over us, instead of planning our consumption of food and beverages.
It is never too late to improve healthy habits.
Community Health Promoters
The Center Inc.