Starting 2018
We have already started 2018 and we are going to do it with good intentions. How about we put them on the to-do list?
• A visit to the doctor for an annual check-up
• Drink at least 8 glasses of natural water daily
• Invest 30 minutes a day for physical activity (at least walk)
• Make 3 meals and two snack times a day
• Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables each day
• Avoid taking sugary drinks
• Don’t buy canned or processed food
• Prepare your meals at home with natural products
• Avoid eating out to save money
If we could follow these small recommendations, we would probably have better health throughout the year, because unfortunately we are weak and we are tempted by the cravings for less healthy foods and we excuse ourselves by saying that we don’t have enough time to put together a healthy lunch, prepare food at home, buy fresh products, etc.
If we don’t have health, then we have nothing; because it doesn’t matter if we have the best car, or the house of our dreams, a job with a good salary or the most beautiful purse. If we don’t have health, we can’t enjoy anything. For that reason, we recommend taking care of it, because health is the most precious thing we have and when it goes away, we realize how important it was.
The Community Health Promoters of El Centro Inc. wish you a healthy 2018, please contact us at 913-677-0100.