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Social media alert

If you are applying for a visa through the Department of State, there is a new requirement that went into effect on May 31, 2019.

If you are like me, this is going to be a nightmare, because I forget or change usernames regularly. Almost every person applying for travel to the U.S. will be required to list every name used on social media programs during the previous 5 years. These include everything from Facebook to Vine – 20 different platforms.

The reason for this change is to improve security screening. Profiling based upon internet activity will be increased. If an applicant fails to list a username, that person can be denied for that omission.

The Consular Officers will not require the passwords, but I have recently talked with someone who was denied a visa, based on photos posted on Facebook with known gang members.

As you move through life, if a visa application is in your future, make sure to keep a record of your social media usernames and be very cautious about what you post for the public to see.

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