Updates on Immigration
These are some of the changes that have recently taken place in immigration matters:
1. Changes in Visa Process — there have been no major changes in the visa process implemented, but there have been proposals by the Trump Administration to modify our visa process. The proposal is to give preference to more highly educated immigrants and to those who are fluent in English. Some of these ideas are similar to other countries’ immigration laws, such as Canada, that gives “points” to visa applicants who have language skills, job skills, job offers, etc. There has been nothing that has passed Congress, so no new laws, as of this date.
2. Cell Phone Policies — Part of our “Know Your Rights” training deals with cell phones. Remember that when a person is taken into custody by ICE, the phone is taken away. ICE officers often access the information on the phone - usually with the consent of the owner - and they look at contact information stored in the phone.
3. Congress is voting soon on H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act. This law would provide protection from deportation, and allow these individuals to continue to contribute to the economic and social prosperity of America. It is long overdue. The American public supports protecting the Dreamers. If the Dreamers and the TPS/Deferred Action recipients were deported, America would lose billions of dollars in lost revenues and payments into the Social Security and Medicare systems. It benefits us ALL, if our Representatives would support H.R.6. Take the time to call and tell their offices that YOU want them to vote in favor of H.R. 6. If your Representative votes NO on H.R. 6, it is time for YOU to vote AGAINST that Representative.
Questions? Please call for assistance if you need help with Immigration. 816-356-7100.