Ancestral wisdom
Nowadays it’s normal to hear about the benefits and properties of many natural plants and seeds, but this is not something recently discovered by vegetarians.
The benefits and medicinal properties of plants are ancestral; what happens is that the new generations have grown up with a strong influence from the food and pharmaceutical industries, which have taken them away from nature.
The food industry has been responsible for creating and selling the idea of easy things, which no longer take time or mess up our kitchen because they come ready to eat. And the second, the pharmaceutical industry, has taught us that all kind of drugs already exist to take away the problems caused by the consumption of such prepared foods.
Fortunately, with the support of technology and the easy and immediate access to information, we can know the benefits and properties of all natural foods, the same one consumed by our grandmothers who came to live between 85 and 100 years enjoying good health and, sometimes, with a privileged memory.
That is why we invite you to recognize that it is better to consume all foods naturally, without a package, without wrapping, without food label, because the more natural and fresh they are, the better they will be for your health.
This is an advice from the Community Health Promoters at El Centro Inc. 913-677-0100.
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