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Not my problem

When we hear about the bad governments and the wars and guerrillas that exist in some Asian or African countries, we probably think “poor people, the good thing is that it’s very far from here”.

But if we see what happens in this continent, we realize that Venezuela is experiencing a crisis. Further north in countries such as Honduras and Guatemala, gangs have government and population ravaged. Puerto Rico continues to suffer the terrible effects of Hurricane Maria. And closer, a humanitarian crisis is being lived on the northern border of Mexico. All of them seem to be problems of other countries that do not directly affect us.

But continuing north, it turns out that the state of Nebraska is suffering from flooding along the Missouri River, which is the same river that runs through Kansas City. Many individuals and companies, that have exchanges between the two states, are suffering because Highway 29 leading to Omaha is closed from St. Joseph, and many villages and land planting are lost, therefore they are ‘not so far from us’.

It is not about frightening anyone, or about creating uncertainty, because it is clear that natural tragedies (and those others caused by some people) have existed forever. It is rather to create a little awareness of the things that are being suffered in another state, in another country or in another continent.

Being a little informed about the causes and effects of events that affect other people and how we could help them, would not do us any harm, because today it’s their turn, but we do not know when it may be our turn.

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