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Conversations with elected officials

As you read this column, I will be in Washington D.C., visiting our MO and KS Senators and Representatives, and begging for better immigration laws.

This is at least an annual event for me “and one that I love and hate doing.” Love it because it is exciting to be in D.C. and see how the government works. Hate it because, often I feel like it is a waste of time and effort.

I am always encouraging readers to make phone calls and write to our Senators and Representatives. We need more people to make that effort, so that they actually hear the needs and concerns of the community.

I will be asking for Congress to pass legislation to protect Dreamers and TPS recipients. It would be great if you all can amplify my voice by making calls or sending e-mails so that they are hearing the same message from many people, from a variety of locations. Numbers matter “in the number of phone calls, emails, and visits.”

Ask your representative to protect the Dreamers and those on Temporary Protected Status, by allowing them to stay permanently in the U.S. You can tweet your message, post to Social Media or pick up the phone.

Thank you for helping me shout it loud and clear!

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