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Hard lessons to learn in the Immigration struggle

Frequently in my office I meet with young people who have come to the U.S. to join other family members, traveling to the U.S. without documents and entering the U.S. illegally. The trip has often been funded by the U.S. relative, as a way to reach back and help a family member, pay back a favor/debt, “save” a child from harm, etc.

These illegal trips are expensive, but the costs have just started, because the next steps involve lawyers and immigration court and the pain of going through a difficult trial.

The reality is that, under our current system, there are very few of these asylum cases that will win; people coming to the Southern Border seeking asylum, with children in tow, often do not have any realistic chance of obtaining legal status; and the mere fact that you have a child with you does NOT guarantee that you will be allowed into the U.S. or win your case.

As the fight between the President and Congress continues over the Border Wall funding, the suffering is increasing by leaps and bounds. Hopeful immigrants, who are being barred from entering the U.S., are gathering in Mexico, waiting, and becoming targets for criminals and cartels.

Provisions (food and clothing) are in short supply. Volunteers are needed to provide services and if you are available and willing to travel to the Tijuana area, please contact our office and we will put you in contact with organizations who are in need of help (Call me at 816-356-7100).

Continue voicing your opposition to spending BILLIONS of dollars for a Wall. If it is built, it will be an ugly reminder, a hideous memorial, to the fact that Congress has been incompetent at passing logical and positive Immigration Reform. This American believes that the Wall is one memorial the U.S. does not need.

Here is an easy way to reach the White House and your Congressional offices to express your beliefs:

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