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Border wall funding

As I listened this week to the Country's leaders squabbling over funding for the Wall, it reminded me of the innumerable exaggerations, lies, false statements that we have been told over the past two years. The Wall - Mexico will pay for it.

Remember that good one? Well, someone actually keeps track of the statements coming out of the White House on important issues like the Wall. He has repeatedly said that the U.S. has started building the wall over 86 times, when in fact, the $1.6 billion that Congress did pass was restricted to fencing, and mostly used for replacement fencing. Not a new Wall.

In the meantime, the White House is pressing Congress for $5 billion to fund the real Wall, with the threat this week that President Trump will shut down the government if he doesn't get his money for the Wall.

I hope and pray that those elected officials casting their votes realize that the majority of the American public does not want another dime spent on this ineffective Wall.

All of this hype about the Wall is confused with the rantings about the Refugee Caravan, making its way to the U.S. Southern border to ask for protection.

These refugees are coming to the port of entry, presenting themselves and their requests for protection, and the U.S. is trying to slam the door shut. Not exactly legal, as a U.S. Court of Appeals Judge stated last Friday. In a lengthy 65-page opinion, the Court found that the president cannot re-write federal law by tweet, executive order or rant in a proclamation.

Thank goodness that the judiciary is still willing to follow the law!

I am betting on the shut-down - it will be a fitting Christmas gift for all those hard-working federal employees from their boss, right before the holidays.

Stay tuned - shut-down planned for December 21st.

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