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Happy Halloween

I love this holiday — because it lets me behave like a kid. I like the scary, the weird, the crazy. In the past, I have dressed in traditional clothing from a variety of countries and religions.

THIS year, my staff has chosen the costume for me and it will coordinate with their outfits. To give you some hints: I will be doctoring those who are suffering from this immigration system; I will be very grumpy about our broken laws; I will be sleeping through the holiday; I will be happy that we got some wins in Court recently; I will be too shy to go to USCIS with you to interpret; I will be acting a little silly because we have to just have to lighten up this work every once in a while; and finally, I will be disrupting conversations with my sneezing.

You are invited to stop by the office on this crazy holiday and have a cup of coffee or cider, show us your costume and pick up some handouts on Advocacy opportunities here in the metro-area.

We need to celebrate life, but not forget that we have to keep pushing for reform. Hope to see you — 4240 Blue Ridge Blvd., Ste. 315, Kansas City MO.

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