New school year means a new life
New school year means a new life for new freshmen: Prepare for that first day
The new academic year will start soon at colleges and universities everywhere, and for many first-time freshmen, this means a whole new life in a new place. The very first day of that new life will be move-in day. In fact, at Fort Hays State University the first moving in will be this weekend in the university’s apartment complexes.
Move-in Day for Fort Hays State’s Living and Learning Communities, Honors Community, and Entrepreneurship Community is from 8 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Aug. 15. All other students who are not part of various specialized communities can move in from 8 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Aug. 16.
Three things in particular are worth noting: know where you are going; have a checklist of items to pack; and know what you should leave at home.
First, know where you are going. Go to your institution’s website and find the map to your particular residence hall. At FHSU, the sidebar link labeled 2018-19 Academic Year on the Residential Life home page,, will take you to a Move-in Day link that has a map and directions.
Every institution will have a similar page. Wherever your move-in day takes you, the experience will be much more fun and much less stressful if you start out knowing the route.
The Move-in Day page also has a link under the heading What to Bring, which will take you to a list that can help you develop your own checklist for the things that will make life comfortable in a new place.
Every institution also has rules about what cannot be brought into its housing. At Fort Hays State, the list is small: no window AC units; no fireworks; no non-UL approved electrical cords or surge protectors (Check the labels!); no ceiling fans; some household appliances (like toasters) and no pets except for fish.
A small effort now can pay big dividends in getting the first academic year off to a smooth start.