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Why have pets?

Throughout history, and in all cultures, humanity has always had pets.

It is said that at first people began to use animals as hunting tools and later realized that they were also good defenders and companions.

Cats, for example, have always been very helpful in preventing the proliferation of mice, and dogs have always been protective of families. These are, perhaps, the reasons why they are the pets that we look for the most.

All over the world, people have pets. It is estimated that 65% of the population in the United States has at least one. Here there are more than 85 million cats, around 70 million dogs and more than 150 million fish as pets.

One of the main advantages of having one at home, is that they prevent loneliness, but there are many others such as helping us to reduce stress, promote activity, improve mood, improve the sense of responsibility in children and adults, teach children respect and be more responsible with animals, help socialization and have conclusively been shown to increase life expectancy.

It would be impossible to list all the advantages of having a pet, because for each family it can have a unique and determined benefit.

What is undeniable, is that from their arrival they become one more member of the family.

The other side of the coin is that by having a pet we will necessarily have to spend time and money on them, probably the house needs more cleaning, and you have to plan the holidays always keeping them in mind.

But despite the few inconveniences, having a pet at home brings joy, companionship, security and makes families more "complete".

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