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With no fear of change

"The world is dangerous, not because of people who are evil, but because of people who look at it without doing anything.

- Albert Einstein.

The elections for president of Mexico took place on Sunday and Andrés Manuel López Obrador was the winner. In his third attempt to reach the presidency, the people decided to elect him and the main reason is that people are already tired of corruption, crime and impunity.

Although the political proposal of AMLO has been populist —since he claims to defend the interests and aspirations of the people, against what he himself calls " Groups of Power," the truth is that people already want a change and they are betting that the new President won’t be too radical; but instead achieve a change in the way that country has been managed.

The biggest pessimists fear that Mexico will become another Venezuela, which is far from happening, because they are two countries, two cultures and two very different people.

For those of us who live on this side, anything that improves the situation in our country of origin benefits us, since our family and the majority of our loved ones live there and, being very optimistic, we can hope that things change enough for us to decide to return if we have good opportunities.

Obviously a big change is expected and we all hope that after the lessons learned from the previous governments, things will start to change even if some mistakes are made. In any case, people prefer to take that risk than to let things continue as they are.

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