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Importance of guardianship decisions prior to leaving for vacation

With kids out of the school and summer vacations starting, most of us are starting to plan or getting ready to leave for a family vacation. Whether the vacation is going to visit family members or out to a different destination, it is important to plan for the worst case scenarios. What would happen to our kids if something were to happen to us, the parents?

We do not like to think of such things, but it is never wrong to prepare for the worse.

Normally, the Judge looks for an immediate family member such as the grandparents or an aunt or uncle, whoever is willing and able to take care of the kids. But what if the parents want someone else to take care of the kids? What if the parents do not trust crazy uncle Joe or fear that grandma and grandpa are too old to care for the kids?

There is only so much we can prepare for. As parents, we can write a request for the Judge to assign a Guardian for our kids. The Judge will review the request which will weigh into his decision as to where the kids will go. There are many factors that go into the decision of guardianship. The Judge considers the age of the caretaker, the ability to provide for the children, the relationship to the children; and if the children are of a certain age, their thoughts on where they would like to be placed.

The request will not ensure that the kids will go to the designated guardian we have chosen, but at least it will let the Judge know that you have thought about where you believe your kids should go.

Whenever you are thinking about who you absolutely trust to take care of your kids, remember to speak with them to see how they feel about taking care of your children.

It is a great responsibility not only to protect them and prepare them for them for their future, but also from a financial stance. If you have any questions, speak with an attorney about your options.

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