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Work and cell phone

Undoubtedly, the cell phone is a technological marvel that offers us a huge variety of options for entertainment, information, help and of course communication.

But many people forget that during the work hours its use should be limited, since, if it’s not for work purposes, by talking, texting or answering personal matters we use up time that we are being paid to work and not to use our phones.

A study by the personnel firm Office Team found that the average worker uses up a full day of the work week in doing things other than work.

In a poll, the company found that an average worker spends 56 minutes per day using their phone for things outside of work, that is, a little less than 5 hours per week.

Checking emails and chatting are what wastes the most time, followed by sports websites, videogames and purchases which are a distant third and fourth place.

And if in the office there are a lot of young people, the amount of lost time increases dramatically, since employees from 18 to 24 years old use their cell phones up to 70 minutes per day.

Although the study was about office workers, the results for any industry are surely similar, since it’s a matter of how we behave and how we’ve become used to using cell phones.

In factories, workshops, and service companies the bosses are constantly calling out workers who abuse their use, which doesn’t excuse those who use it “less”, since in any case it is a distraction and decrease in productivity.

It’s understandable that we all have the need to stay in touch with our people, but we must use it only occasionally during work hours.

Keeping the cell phone put away, taking off the sound, allowed voicemail to take the message; this is some of the advise that we must follow to respect out work time and only if we have an urgent call, we should keep it short and private. Respecting our work time is fair aside from preventing potential reprimands and sanctions.

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