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Poor People’s Campaign

As a supporter of the new Poor People’s Campaign, I wanted to make sure that you all know about the work that is being done across the nation. 50 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. began the original Poor People’s Campaign, and unfortunately, the movement fell short after his assassination. 50 years later, poor people, people of color, disabled, and other marginalized communities are still fighting for basic human rights.

Each week, brave community members have stood before the local police in capital cities all across America, and demanded that our State governments begin to fix the problems of poverty, unemployment, rights to organize, systemic racism, health care and the environment. On June 11th, about 75 people were arrested in Jefferson City. 42 States have participated in these actions of Civil Disobedience, beginning on Mother’s Day and ending on Father’s Day.

These actions of Civil Disobedience may seem trivial at first glance, but the fact that 42 States have organized groups of citizens to RESIST is important. The movement is growing.

It is time to pay attention, to stay awake and make sure that government works for the people. We need supporters, walkers, young/old, legal and undocumented, to work together to make the changes needed in our government. (

Hope to see you at a future PPC event!

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