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Memorial Day

The "Memorial Day" or "Memorial Day" was officially declared in 1966 by President Lyndon Johnson. Although it is not known exactly where it came from, several versions agree that since May 1868 the custom of decorating with flowers and all over the nation the soldiers' tombs began, for what was originally called "Decoration Day".

At the end of the First World War the celebration was extended and nowadays the fallen are remembered in all the wars in which this country has participated.

According to the ANNACK MILITARY BLOG, in World War I 116,516 soldiers died, in the Second 405,399 and in the Civil War were 620,000 (365,000 from the Union and 265,000 Confederate). As you can see, the Civil War is by far in which more Americans have died, ironically at the hands of other Americans.

On this date, many people visit the cemeteries and put flowers not only to the soldiers, but to all their loved ones, for what somehow resembles the Day of the Dead of Mexico.

Since for this date the cold has gone, everything is green and most of the plants have flourished, unofficially it is considered that this day begins the summer.

Let's take advantage of this "bridge" to remember the dead, but also to go out, walk around and enjoy the weather and the flowers and fragrances of the time.

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