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Hamburgers or beans?

It is said that Americans just eat hamburgers and that Mexicans just eat beans and tortillas. Although we know that this is not literally true, they are a good part of our respective diets.

Regarding the nutritional contribution, both have high value; the big difference is that we could eat beans and tortillas every day, which would give us a complete and healthy diet; while eating only hamburgers, as much as they are appetizing, wouldn’t be highly recommended.

Since precolonial times, given its easy cultivation in Mexico and Central America, corn and beans have been part of the daily diet.

Corn provides minerals and vitamins, as well as carbohydrates that make it a high protein food and easy to digest. For its part, beans are considered one of the main sources of protein, fiber and carbohydrates.

Several studies show that the combination of these foods complement each other nutritionally, providing a similar amount of protein to meat.

It’s a fact that most Mexicans —no matter how long we’ve been living in this country— continue to eat beans and tortillas practically every day. For us, it is true that if there are beans and tortillas, there is already a meal, and if we also have sauce or a piece of cheese or cream, better. And if we could accompany these with a piece of meat and sauce, we could offer it at a family meal and everyone would be happy.

We're not saying we never enjoy an appetizing burger, but the fact is that the combination of beans and tortillas is a balanced, nutritious vegan dish.

Many people don’t consume them because there is a belief that eating these foods generates the production of gas, but foods such as apples, broccoli, potatoes, soft drinks and dairy products produce equal or greater amounts of gas, and we consume these with no reservations.

If you have not done it, do it today. Enjoy a plate of cooked black beans at home; they make a delicious soup or stew and a delicious food.

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