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Positive reforms for our immigration system

I am often asked for suggestions on how our immigration laws could be improved and I believe that there are some common-sense steps that Congress could take. Feel free to call in your opinions to the White House Comment line at 202-456-6213 or call your Congressional offices to let them know that you are watching and waiting for improvements in our system of immigration.

1. Increase the number of family visas so that families do not have to wait so long for legal status.

2. Make it simpler for Employers to be able to sponsor workers, so that workers can come here legally to fill jobs that are hard to fill with Americans.

3. Provide a fair Immigration Court system for those who are in deportation – with the ability to have decisions reviewed by Federal judges, and ensure that Dept. of Homeland Security follows the law. Due process for all.

4. Eliminate the 10 year and Permanent penalties that have kept families apart and caused families to NOT pursue legal status. These harsh penalties were passed by Congress in 1996 and have only hurt our immigrant families, making it harder to navigate the legal process.

5. Pass the Dream Act so that youth who were brought to the U.S. unlawfully will be able to earn legal status.

If you have a voice or the ability to write/send an e-mail, it is time to speak up and provide some ideas to the Congressional staffers, because if there is not reform in a positive way, there will be more families torn apart and more economic losses as we lose those foreign-born who are contributing to our communities.

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