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Play your part

In any part of the world, life in society is easier if we have cooperation. Cooperation is defined as: “... the set of actions and efforts that, collectively with another or other individuals, we carry out in order to achieve a common goal.”

This is one of those things in which we can participate every day. From the moment we wake up, when bathing we can turn off the water to soap up and lather, or also when we brush our teeth. By sharing a vehicle to go to work; loading gasoline only in the afternoons on very hot days or by not throwing trash on the street or spitting. Picking up the excrement of our dogs. Yielding right-of-way to pedestrians, or as much as possible helping the disabled or elderly. Cooperating with churches or charities.

There are countless “small things” that we can do every day to cooperate with the community and with the ecology.

But it’s very important not to fall into the error of saying “why should I cooperate, if the others don’t.” This is a huge mistake. In the first place, we don’t know what other people do, because perhaps they are not doing the same actions as you to cooperate, but maybe they are doing other actions that you have no idea of. In the second place, like many other things that people do, what do you care? DO your part ... and don’t mind about the rest. PLAY YOUR PART!

Think about it this way, what would happen if no one cared to cooperate with the ecology and the welfare of the society? ... it would be chaotic.

It is not necessary to embark on a ship against illegal fishermen or whaling; or to set out to plant trees (which would not be bad either); but you can participate every day with small actions that together will benefit us all.

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