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Sometimes, “the cure is worse than the disease”

Due to the low temperatures of the season, we are in plain flu season, cold, cough and all kinds of respiratory diseases.

When they feel sick, some people go to the doctor, others rest and have a cinnamon tea and many others self-medicate. Either because they think it's the same thing they had last time or because some family member or friend suggested it to them, they buy medicines or use the ones they have in the medicine cabinet at their homes.

This implies a lot of risk because they can be taking wrong doses and this can cause some poisoning, adverse side effects, etc.

Also, if a medication is taken for too long, it can cause dependency or addiction, or hide more serious damage or processes and even resistance to its effects.

One more is to take expired medicine that not only does not take effect, but can also cause damage. Get rid of them!

Self-medicating is a very popular custom that has now increased due to the influence of drug commercials on radio and television.

Two of the most common cases are the misuse of antibiotics and analgesics.

According to the World Health Organization: Taking antibiotics unnecessarily weakens their ability to fight infections when they are needed. This allows the bacteria to develop resistance.

We must remember that when the doctor prescribes a medicine, it is according to the symptoms and the specific situation of the moment.

The case of analgesics is more common, because they seem to be harmless, but thousands of people die every year due to an overdose. According to a report from the Trust American Health, in most states of the United States, more people die each year from analgesic abuse than from car accidents.

On the other hand, many resort to alternative medicine, but we must not blindly believe in naturopathic medicines since "natural does not necessarily mean safe;" and above all, never combine them with prescribed medicines.

Take care of yourself, consult your doctor and most importantly, be wise in what you take and give to your children.

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