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Democracy doesn't work without your participation

If you would like to see the inside workings of the Missouri government, you are invited to participate in the annual "Immigrant, Muslim & Refugee Capitol Day" scheduled for February 14th.

What better way to spend Valentine’s Day than showing your elected officials some love and giving them a piece of your mind about their work in immigration and protecting our families? This day is sponsored by the Missouri Immigrant and Refugee Advocates (MIRA), a great, statewide organization that keeps its eye on the business taking place in Jefferson City. Often it is MIRA that alerts the public about anti-immigrant bills that are being proposed in Jefferson City. MIRA is a "watch-dog" and performs a public service by keeping all of us informed on important issues.

For that reason, they hold an annual "lobby" day, to bring people to Jefferson City to help support their work.

A typical day will start with an educational meeting to explain what they need the volunteers to do that day. Then, you split up into teams to go to visit the different Representatives’ offices. There may be appointments set up in advance for visits or you just drop in to your representative's office. Face to face meetings are great when you can explain why it is important to you, or your family, that the Missouri government protect those who are not U.S. citizens. It is a great day of learning, accomplishment, and networking with others who are concerned about the anti-immigrant work in Jefferson City.

We need you to participate and we ask that you join us in Jefferson City to advocate for immigrant and refugee rights. To register, e-mail and let them know that you would like to attend. Transportation from Kansas City is provided for $5.00 and lunch is included. Hope to see you in Jefferson City!

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