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"Youth, divine treasure"

This is the first sentence of a poem by Rubén Darío, which adult people say to young ones. But perhaps the true treasure of every person would always be good health.

There are people who even since childhood suffer from some disease and on the opposite end, there are people of advanced age, who have good health.

It is a fact that if we don’t have health, we have nothing. And this applies for any age. In this regard there is a phrase attributed to the Dalai Lama that says: "What most surprises me about the Western men is that they lose their health to earn money; then they lose the money to recover their health".

Certainly in our society, there are those whose only goal is to work to earn money, regardless of the damage they do to their health. But even for those of us who work in a "normal" way, just to satisfy our needs, it also happens that being away from home, taking advantage of time, or simply being more practical, we work too much or eat too much junk food, thinking that when we get home we will rest and feed properly ... which usually doesn’t happen.

Some people think that we should take care of our diet, exercise and avoid excesses 90% of the time, and only neglect it 10% of the time. But not only do we not do it, but sometimes we take care of ourselves only 10% and the other 90% we don’t.

Vices, bad habits and overwork are the main enemies of our health, and it is in them that we should focus our resolutions to change in order to stay healthy. We must think that if we don’t take care of our health, we not only harm ourselves, but also our family and therefore society.

There are many examples of young and old people who, being very sick, say they would change everything they have to have health.

We should ask ourselves this question: if I continue with this job, vice or lifestyle, how will my health be in 10 or 20 years? ... is it worth it?

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