Celebrating Christmas
This Sunday is Christmas Eve and Monday is Christmas. This date is another occasion to meet with family and friends to celebrate with joy.
And what is Christmas? The birth of Jesus, the arrival of the son of God to the world. But although practically everyone celebrates it, few really think about what is really being celebrated. This is a time of much love, of sharing and for those who want to see it, it’s a magical time.
The great physicist Albert Einstein allegedly said: “There are two ways of living a life: the first is to think that nothing is a miracle. The second is to think that everything is a miracle. What I’m sure of is that God exists.”
There will always be a discussion here about whether the universe was created or comes from a “Big Bang”; if our planet was a divine creation or is just a series of “lucky coincidences”; and if man was created in the image and likeness of God or simply “evolved”.
The fact is that even for science it’s difficult to tell why there are such incredible things such as water, magnetism or the great diversity of animals or edible fruits (to mention just a few) or how two cells that come together can form a human being. In this regard, Einstein himself said: “Every day we know more and we understand less.”
Many of the people who deny the existence of God, are conformist or were victims of some human abuse or injustice; or maybe they have asked, and they haven’t got what they want (maybe they have lacked faith in asking for them) or they don’t accept that all good and bad things happen for some reason.
The point here is not to create controversy, it is simply to remember that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus, something so important that after 2017 years, it’s in force and has a great impact on the lives of all those who follow him. Merry Christmas!