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Good resolutions for 2017

Surely the celebrations of Christmas and New Year made you lose your balance; you ate too much and the regret doesn’t stop bothering you.

That’s why it’s always good to make a plan of good resolutions for 2017 that go hand in hand with healthy lifestyle; but in order to avoid frustrations for not accomplishing it we recommend that you propose small objectives and easy ones to accomplish. For example, if you want to exercise, set the goal of going out for a walk 10 minutes per day, maybe you can walk more time, but the most important thing is in fact going out. Make it your goal to go out every day because as long as you make the priority of going out each day, it will become a habit that you will enjoy in the end because it will help

oxygenate your body, have better circulation and the most important thing is that you can make a family activity out of it.

Another one of the challenges can be to stop drinking soda and drinking water, but this process of change must take place more step by step because if you stop drinking sugary drinks from one day to the next, the most probable thing is that you won’t be able to achieve it. Instead try to drink less soda day by day until you reach the minimum consumption, leave yourself the luxury of drinking soda during reunions or a special occasion and try instead to drink natural water.

If you wish to obtain more information of the program “Buying tasty and healthy,” please contact a Community Health Provider at El Centro, Inc. at 913-677-0100.

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