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Some advise

In our office, we are answering lots of questions about the future Trump Administration. Here is some advice from our national American Immigration Lawyers Association:

Don’t panic!

• At this time, there aren’t a lot of answers as to what exactly will happen when the new administration takes office.

• Don’t make hasty decisions; instead take the time necessary to get the facts, gather knowledge, and know your rights.

• Make sure you do not fall for scammers or notarios who will prey on those who may be confused or fearful about the election results.

• If you or your family members have any questions, speak to a qualified immigration attorney to understand your case and any benefits to which you may be entitled.

What will happen next?

• In terms of the election’s impact and the future, a lot is unknown.

• Any president needs to balance their legal authority with what makes sense for the country.

• As any policy change is considered, it is unlikely that the Trump Administration will act in a vacuum. The changes that President-elect Trump espoused during the campaign no longer involve nameless, faceless people but instead will impact real people who are integral to their communities and whose stories can be told.

• Now is the time to show the new administration how dangerous and destructive actual implementation of these policies would be.

• Arizona learned the hard way how economically damaging anti-immigrant policies can be. We need to make sure America as a whole doesn’t make the same mistake.

• There are a lot of things a president can do. However, ultimately it comes down to our country’s values and whether a path of destruction can be left without paying a political price. Immigrants, communities, and the public must hold the administration accountable.

Border/enforcement concerns:

• President-elect Trump has said he wants to detain or deport 2-3 million “criminal aliens.”

• Many so-called “criminal aliens” have convictions for very minor offenses, and are not threats to public safety or national security.

• Smart enforcement policy would focus deportation efforts on actual threats.

• During the past several years, 75 percent of Americans have supported a legalization plan for the undocumented that includes permanent legal status. That includes a majority of Republican voters.

At Austin & Ferguson, L.L.C., we are hoping that the challenges ahead bring all of the Immigrants and Advocates together, to work in smarter and more effective ways to bring about positive Immigration Reform.

Merry Christmas!

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