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Do you do what you enjoy doing?

There is no doubt that the majority of people have a talent or ability to do something, but it’s one thing to have a talent for something and it’s another thing that we can dedicate ourselves to it, and it’s yet another thing to enjoy that activity.

Maybe that’s why almost 75% of the population don’t enjoy their work (according to a Gallup survey).

It’s true that the main objective of working is to earn money to sustain ourselves and our families, but besides the low productivity and the despondency that this produces, there is literally our life. There are some who spend decades doing a job that they don’t like and are motivated solely by the pay that they receive.

The majority of people, when starting out their work lives and whether they studied or not, take whatever is available with the hope that they will eventually work in what they really want to. Unfortunately, the circumstances and pressure from finances and family as well as getting out of our comfort zone normally make us stay or cling to a job that is not for us. It is certainly not easy to start our professional career doing exactly what we would like, even if we’re in the area of work that we are interested in, but as with many other things, we can start making small steps or changes that take us to what we really want.

Imagine what it would be if Sunday afternoons were exciting simply because “tomorrow is Monday and I am going to work”. It sounds illogical but for many people this is the case. Next time your alarm goes off or you get out of bed thinking how hard it is to begin each day, think that you could be one of those people who really love what they do and for whom work is part of the joys in life. Make an effort, even if you sacrifice a bit… Try to do what you enjoy doing!

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