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What's up with labor certifications?

One way that individuals get legal in the U.S. is through employment.

The basic steps start with an employer being willing to sponsor a foreign worker, and then, recruiting to fill the position with a U.S. worker. If the job cannot be filled, then the employer can continue with the sponsorship process.

An application is filed with the Dept. of Labor, and if approved, then the employer files with Immigration. The final step is for the employee, the immigrant, to file an application for permanent resident status. This is an extremely complicated process, but something that should be considered by employers who are in need of good workers.

Currently, the visa line for the employment cases is very short and it’s possible, within a few years, to obtain the legal workers needed if the employer takes the correct steps for sponsorship through the Department of Labor.

Make sure to talk with an immigration attorney who handles employment based cases on a regular basis, so that you get competent legal advice.

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